How to Prepare a Florida Home for a Hurricane

Hurricane preparedness should be of utmost importance for Florida homeowners.

Florida hurricane season begins in June and typically lasts for five months, with August and September being their peak. Hurricane weather patterns are challenging to forecast yearly, so hurricane preparedness should be of utmost importance for Florida homeowners.

Secure the home

Every Florida homeowner should know how to protect a home from damaging wind, flooding, and storm surge. Protecting the house from damage is essential, as is protecting those who dwell inside.

All windows should be covered with wood to prevent them from shattering. Not only will this prevent breakage and significant inconvenience, but glass shards could also enter the home and cause bodily harm.

Anything outside the property that’s not tied down or permanently secured should be brought inside. Hurricane-force winds can easily topple these objects or help them become airborne, increasing the possibility they can strike and damage the home. This includes lawn furniture, garbage cans, and any home decorations.

Before hurricane season, inspect the roof for leaks, holes, and missing or loose shingles or tiles. Severe amounts of rain can quickly flood a home through the smallest of leaks, quickly causing a lot of damage. Repair or replace missing shingles or tiles. A professional roofing company can make the necessary repairs and recommend how to secure the roof.

Inspect any trees on the property for weak or damaged limbs. A hurricane’s high-velocity winds can break them off and create the possibility they’ll damage the home as they fly through the air.

Be prepared for power outages

Securing the inside of a home is just as important as its exterior. Florida hurricanes frequently cause widespread power outages. Be prepared by having plenty of extra batteries for flashlights and battery-powered radios. In addition, purchasing a portable generator can keep a house powered in the event of a long-term power outage.

Before any hurricane, charge all cell phones and limit their use once fully charged. Then, in an extreme emergency, having a fully charged phone can save the day.

With the heat of a Florida summer, losing power also means losing access to an air conditioner. As a result, a home can quickly become intolerably hot. To keep it as cool as possible, cover up windows from the inside with curtains or sheets to limit the amount of light entering.

Freeze water and food if one expects power outages. Frozen food will last much longer if a refrigerator loses power. Ice-cold water will also be much-welcomed in the event of a power outage during the hot hurricane season.

Do not ignore home protection during hurricane season

Hurricanes can cause extreme damage to a home. Be prepared by bringing inside any objects that the wind could toss around. It is best to do these tasks well before an approaching storm. Roof maintenance is also a critical factor in being prepared. Consult a roofing expert to ensure that the roof can weather any storm.

Roof X Inc. offers commercial and residential roofing for customers in Brandon,  Pensacola, Tampa, and surrounding areas. We install and repair metal, tile, shingle, TPO, and more. Gutters, ventilation, and insulation are also available. Family-owned-and-operated

Call us today: Brandon  (813) 590-1124 | Pensacola (850) 669-5509 


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