How to Maintain a Flat Roof

Flat roof inspections should occur every six months or after any major storm or hurricane.

A flat roof has an average life span of approximately 20 years before it will need replacement. However, homeowners or business owners who want to hit that 20-year mark must perform regular maintenance. Replacing a flat roof can prove expensive, so it’s essential to maintain it properly.

Flat roof inspections should occur every six months or after any major storm or hurricane. Florida is notorious for both, so to expand the life of a flat roof, being proactive is critical.

Search for debris

Tree limbs and other debris can easily cause damage to a flat roof. Large debris can scratch or puncture flat roofs and cause costly repairs. Minor repairs are usually easily fixed, but any extreme damage should be left to roofing professionals. Routine inspections for debris are essential, especially after large storms. Immediately remove the debris to ensure it can’t cause damage at a later time.

Inspect seams and membranes

Visually inspect the roofing material where they are joined or overlapping. This is especially important around areas with accessories built in, as these are familiar places where leaks can occur. Locations around skylights, air conditioning units, and vents should receive extra attention.

Membranes can break down and erode due to Florida’s harsh UV rays. Damaged or cracked membranes need immediate replacement.


Standing water is not a good thing for flat roofs. Ponding occurs in areas where water has nowhere to drain. Left untreated, this can lead to water damage and leaks. Signs of ponding are oval areas with a watermark or dirt line surrounding them. A proper draining system should be installed by a flat roof professional.

Plumbing stacks

Plumbing stacks are roof pipes that direct airflow into the building’s plumbing system. They need to be clear of any obstructions. To prevent water leakage, they also need proper sealing. Visually inspect plumbing stacks for signs of blockage, obstructions, and damage.

Inspect flashings

Flashings are in any area where two opposing surfaces meet. These areas are where leaks can occur, requiring extra protection from the elements. Also, these flashings can become loose or damaged due to moisture. Always replace any that are in poor condition.

Look for clogged drains

Drains, scuppers, and gutters can get clogged quickly after storms. Their purpose is to direct rainwater into the drainage system. If they get clogged, it could lead to roof damage. Properly clear any debris blocking water from moving off the roof.

Proper flat roof maintenance can help prolong its life

Regular flat roof inspections should occur a few times a year. Ensuring that the roof is kept debris-free and has a properly working drainage system is key to extending its life. Routine inspections are also crucial, along with hiring flat roof specialists to tackle repairs or spot potential problems.

Roof X Inc. offers commercial and residential roofing for customers in Brandon,  Pensacola, Tampa, and surrounding areas. We install and repair metal, tile, shingle, TPO, and more. Gutters, ventilation, and insulation are also available. Family-owned-and-operated

Call us today: Brandon  (813) 590-1124 | Pensacola (850) 669-5509 


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