Metal Roofing: Exploring the Pros and Cons

Thanks to their durability and sleek appearance, metal roofs are a popular option for American homes. Before modifying their houses, homeowners considering installing a metal roof should recognize the benefits and drawbacks.

This article outlines the merits and considerations of metal roofing to help homeowners decide.

The pros of metal roofing

They’re durable

Metal roofs boast a long service life and can defend the home from snow, rain, and hail for 70 years. Additionally, they are typically backed by a 30- to 50-year warranty that guarantees high performance. Conventional asphalt roofs aren’t as long-lasting and need to be replaced every 10 to 20 years.

Since metal roofs contain quality materials that offer bolstered resistance to extreme weather conditions, they can fend off corrosion and rust. These roofs will remain in perfect condition for years regardless of the season.

They’re good for the environment

Asphalt shingles are usually crafted from petroleum, contributing to fossil fuel usage. Also, they have to be replaced approximately every 20 years, so billions of pounds of shingles end up in landfills each year.

However, metal roofs are a more environmentally-friendly option. For example, steel roofing can be recycled and repurposed without losing strength.

Metal roofs allow homeowners who want to live sustainably to install solar panels and even implement systems for capturing and purifying rainwater.

They’re an energy-efficient solution

These roofs don’t absorb heat, so the HVAC system needs less power to cool the home during hot summer days, minimizing energy bills. Some models are treated with reflective pigments that strengthen their heat resistance, allowing homeowners to stop relying on their air conditioners.

They add a dash of class and style to the home

Modern metal roofs come in different shapes, sizes, and colors, so homeowners can pick a model to enhance the home’s aesthetic appeal. They can also be painted to mimic the appearance of clay or wood.

The cons of metal roofing

They’re expensive

Although metal roofs are a long-term budget-friendly solution, the initial installation costs are relatively high. The material is more expensive than asphalt, but the installation also involves extensive training and equipment. However, once homeowners make the initial investment, they won’t have to spend much money maintaining the roof.

They’re prone to dents

Depending on the type of metal, some shingles may become dented due to heavy debris or hail. To ensure the roof remains dent-free, go for more robust materials like steel and avoid softer aluminum or copper shingles.

They’re noisy

Metal roofs produce more noise during rain or snowstorms, which may disturb the peace of some homeowners. However, strengthening the home’s insulation should effectively dampen the loud noises.

Contact a professional

Anyone considering upgrading their home and installing a metal roof should contact an experienced professional. They’ll resolve any confusion about metal roofing and recommend the most durable option.

Roof X Inc. offers commercial and residential roofing for customers in Brandon, Pensacola, Tampa, and surrounding areas. We install and repair metal, tile, shingle, TPO, and more. Gutters, ventilation, and insulation are also available. Family-owned-and-operated Call us today at (844) 877-6639.


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