How to Maintain Tile Roofs

Roof tiles make for an elegant and durable roofing solution with plenty of options in terms of style, weight, and pricing.

Roof tiles make for an elegant and durable roofing solution with plenty of options in terms of style, weight, and pricing.

The tiles have exceptional water resistance and a high level of resistance to the elements and even physical damage. In addition, tile roofs boost energy efficiency in any climate. However, these benefits only apply with proper maintenance.

Without regular upkeep, even the tile roof will deteriorate over time. As a result, leaks and other damage may occur, leading to much costlier repairs. Therefore, it is best to take appropriate steps to keep the roofing in optimal condition and avoid expenses.

Regular roof inspection

Superficial issues could grow into genuine problems if left unchecked. That’s why yearly roof inspections constitute a significant part of roof maintenance. A professional inspection can detect water damage, cracks, mold, leaks, or extensive weather damage.

While the surface inspection is relatively straightforward, a more thorough look will require professional service. This is especially true during spring and fall. A professional can spot roofing problems before they get out of hand.

Roof flashing

Roof flashing leads water away from vulnerable areas, particularly the crevices between the roof and the walls. The material used in the process is usually galvanized steel or a similar thin material.

Waterproofing a tile roof with flashing will require professional intervention. A dedicated roofing service will have crucial information and skills related to building codes, safety requirements, and best industry practices for flashing installation.

Roof cleaning

While the roof doesn’t require the same cleaning as the home interior, it’s still a good idea to wash the tiles from time to time.

Regular cleaning prevents the tiles from displaying a greenish hue due to algae and maintains the roof’s impeccable appearance. Power washers are ideal for the job, although certain precautions apply.

For instance, the power should never be too high, and the cleaning liquid shouldn’t contain harmful chemicals. These factors are crucial for avoiding unnecessary damage to the tiles. Of course, inexperienced homeowners would do well to hire a licensed service for roof cleaning to ensure the safest and most thorough cleaning.

Removing debris

Dirt and debris may pile up on the roof, jeopardizing tile integrity and clogging the gutters. That’s why the debris will need to be removed regularly, especially after a period of strong winds. Without this maintenance step, the roof could start leaking and deteriorate faster.

Essential repairs

A smaller repair job will pay dividends in the long run. While a single cracked or broken tile might not present a danger on its own, that minor damage can build up over time and may lead to costly repairs in the future.

Repairs will be essential after storms or other types of harsh weather. Such jobs are best left to professional services, which can repair and install tiles reliably.

Maintain the roof

With proper maintenance, a tile roof may outlast its guaranteed lifespan. As a result, any costs related to roofing will be reduced, and the home will boast excellent protection from the elements and a fresh look.

Roof X Inc. offers commercial and residential roofing for customers in Brandon,  Pensacola, Tampa, and surrounding areas. We install and repair metal, tile, shingle, TPO, and more. Gutters, ventilation, and insulation are also available. Family-owned-and-operated 


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