Explore the Incredible Benefits of Roof Crickets

The roof is the most exposed section of any house. A roof's design helps it withstand rain, ice, snow and protects the home from leaks and damage. Roof crickets are essential elements that provide additional protection.

Let's explain roof crickets and discuss their benefits.

What are roof crickets?

Roof crickets are V-shaped structures installed on the high side of a chimney. They are also called roof saddles or roof diverters. Although they may seem small compared to the entire roof structure, crickets have a vital role in protecting properties from water damage.

The benefits of roof crickets

Every roof has a slope designed to divert water towards the gutters. However, some roof structures can "interfere" with this, one of them being the chimney. Chimneys represent an obstacle for water running down the roof. Water can pool around chimneys, affect their structure, and damage the entire roof construction. As a result, you could experience leaks inside your house and even end up with a collapsed roof that requires replacement.

Roof crickets effectively prevent water buildup around chimneys. Due to their specific design, roof crickets direct weather elements away from the chimneys and towards the gutters. Instead of water hitting the chimney's side, it will split in half and bypass the chimney.

Are roof crickets necessary?

Roof crickets are an affordable and straightforward way to lower the risk of roof leaks and damage. Although many professionals recommend installing roof crickets, some consider it a waste of money and decide against it.

However, roof crickets are mandatory in some areas. According to the International Building Code from 2012, roof crickets must be installed on chimneys wider than 30 inches (762 mm).

Consider installing roof crickets even though they may not be mandatory for your chimney. They can significantly extend your roof's and chimney's lifespan.

What materials are in roof crickets?

Roof crickets may consist of numerous materials, depending on the roof. Sometimes they comprise the same roofing material used for asphalt shingles, metal, membrane, wood, etc.

The material you choose depends on the budget and the look you want to achieve. Most people prefer matching it to the roofing material for a more subtle appearance.

Let the professionals do the work

Installing roof crickets requires a lot of precision. One mistake could divert the water in the wrong direction and cause more harm than good. That's why it's essential to have professionals install it. They have years of experience and knowledge installing crickets to achieve the best results.

If you have a roof cricket installed, don't forget to inspect it at least once a year, ideally before fall. Regular inspections catch even the smallest issues and help maintain the entire roofing system.

Roof X Inc. offers commercial and residential roofing for customers in Brandon, Pensacola, Tampa, and surrounding areas. We install and repair metal, tile, shingle, TPO, and more. Gutters, ventilation, and insulation are also available. Family-owned-and-operated Call us today at (844) 877-6639.


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