Are Solar Tubes Better Than Skylights?


When homeowners want to add more natural light to a dim room without installing windows,

they turn to roof-based solutions. The most popular choices are traditional skylights and solar

tubes. Both options are excellent for illuminating a room during the daytime and providing a

more natural alternative to lighting. Choosing between a skylight or a solar tube will depend on

multiple factors, which we will discuss in this article.

Function and performance

Both skylights and solar tubes have the same purpose: to illuminate a room with natural light

when possible.

Skylights are similar to regular windows in that they provide a clear view of surroundings and let

light in through a decent-sized opening.

Solar tubes utilize a clear dome installed on the rooftop to collect available sunlight. A duct

made from reflective material allows the collected light to bounce through the system and into

the room via special light diffusers that normalize the amount of light passing through. When

installed, solar tubes look similar to traditional lighting in the room.

Solar tubes offer slightly better lighting during bad and cloudy weather since the dome refracts

light from all directions.


Installing a solar tube is often slightly less expensive than putting in a skylight. However,

skylights have higher maintenance costs and provide more surface area for heat to escape,

reducing the home’s energy efficiency.


Skylights and solar tubes have vastly different aesthetics. While tubes provide more lighting

overall, they don’t allow inhabitants to look out and get a glimpse of the sky. Skylights can be

used to create an illusion of space and allow for a glimpse at the surroundings when there are no

other buildings nearby.

One of the solar tube’s major benefits is that they don’t have to light up the room directly

beneath it. The reflective tube doesn’t leak a lot of energy and can be quite long when the

situation calls for it. Homeowners can install a solar tube on their roof, then run the tube through

the attic or walls to illuminate rooms and spaces that don’t have window access.

Installation considerations

Generally, skylights require more stringent installation requirements and sometimes can’t be

installed at all due to structural integrity concerns. Solar tubes typically have fewer safety

concerns, and there are even DIY kits for owners with a bit more construction know-how.


Depending on the skylight frame and the roof’s quality, skylights may require substantial

maintenance and reinforcement to be safely installed. Solar tubes generally break less often and

don’t cause a lot of mess due to their smaller size and lack of heavy glass.

If you’re considering installing a skylight or a solar tube to increase the amount of natural light

in the home, contact a professional roofer. They can inspect the roof and the attic, advise what

solution will work best, and give quotes on installation costs and requirements.

Roof X Inc. offers commercial and residential roofing for customers in Brandon, Saratoga, Tampa, and surrounding areas. We install and repair metal, tile, shingle, TPO, and more. Gutters, ventilation, and insulation are also available. Family-owned-and-operated Call us today at (844) 877-6639.


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